September 15, 2010
Use before October 12, 2010
Contact: Ron Kuck, 315-788-8450; Frans Vokey, 315-376-5270; Brent
Buchanan, 315-379-9192
Register by October 12 for Northern NY Dairy Institute Feeding
Management Course
Feed is the greatest single expense on a dairy farm. Making relatively
simple changes in how feed ingredients are handled, mixed and delivered
to the herd can reduce costs and optimize animal health and milk
production. Those interested in learning how to be more successful with
dairy feeding management can register with Cornell Cooperative Extension
(CCE) for the next Northern NY Dairy Institute course before October 12,
The course will combine classroom and on-farm training focused on the
important role of dairy herd feeders in minimizing daily variations in
the feed delivered to the cows. Cornell Cooperative Extension of Lewis
County Dairy Science and Farm Business
Management Educator Frans Vokey says, “Better consistency of the feed
mix results in healthier rumen activity in the cows and that improves
milk production.”
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Jefferson County Dairy and Livestock
Educator Ron Kuck says, “This course will benefit anyone who is feeding
cows. The feeder manages a dairy’s most expensive enterprise and,
through feeding practices, influences the success of the dairy
Cornell Cooperative Extension of St. Lawrence County Agriculture Team
Leader Brent Buchanan says, “The Northern NY Dairy Institute is an
easily accessible way for dairy owners and their employees to enhance
the skills that directly impact the farm business. This dairy feeding
management course offers the opportunity to address the most critical
cost center on the farm.”
Northern NY Dairy Institute Dairy Feeding Management participants will
learn best practices for feed storage and feed-out management, ration
mixing and delivery, how to monitor changes in nutrients and dry-matter
composition, and how to recognize changes in cow behavior that indicate
success or problems for attention.
Area farmers will host some of the classes and share their feeding
management tips.
The cost for course instruction and materials is $75, due two weeks
before course begins. The Northern NY Dairy Institute is funded by the
NY Center for Dairy Excellence and Cornell PRO-DAIRY Program. Course
start dates and CCE contacts are:
• October 25 in Clinton County: Ashley Allen, 518-962-4810 ext 0
• October 26 in Franklin County: Ashley Allen, 518-962-4810 ext 0
• October 27 in Lewis County: Frans Vokey, 315-376-5270,
• October 28 in Jefferson County: Ron Kuck, 315-788-8450,
• October 28 in St. Lawrence County: Brent Buchanan, 315-379-9192,