October 22, 2008
Molly Ames, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Jefferson County,
Anita Deming, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Essex County,
Ruby Sprowls, NATC, St. Lawrence County Chamber of Commerce,
Register Now for Laptop Computer Loan Program to Learn Online
Want to learn what selling online is all about but not ready to buy a
Register now for the Laptop Loan Program that is part of the Marketing
Your Product for Profit course that begins Monday, October 27 in Malone,
Massena, Watertown and Westport. A limited number of laptop computers
will be available to qualified users participating in the course
developed by the Northern Adirondack Trading Cooperative and Cornell
Cooperative Extension to help rural entrepreneurs.
Northern Adirondack Trading Cooperative Program Director Ruby Sprowls
says, “People who have never even used e-mail have taken this course
with the aid of a laptop loan and now use their own computers to sell
products across the U.S. and around the world. Course participants have
added EBay and other online sales to their marketing mix and as a result
have added substantial monthly income to their overall sales.”
Sprowls says for those who want a website for their products, but are
not interested in designing the site themselves, this course “helps you
see how others use the web, and to selling your products and building
online customer relationships.”
Sprowls is currently evaluating requests for the laptops and registering
people for the marketing course that will be offered 5:30-8:30 pm on
Mondays and Wednesdays at Cornell Cooperative Extension of Jefferson
County, Watertown; SUNY Canton at Massena; the North Country Community
College Malone campus, and Cornell Cooperative Extension of Essex
County, Westport.
The 20-session course fee is $50; participants can attend all sessions
or select those of special interest.
Seventy-nine past graduates of the NATC course include Yesteryears
Vintage Doors, making handcrafted doors and screen doors, and Em Bears,
making stuffed bears and “other critters.” Recent participants are
developing ideas for a horse ranch, biofuel production, and a winery.
For more information and course registration, contact Ruby Sprowls, St.
Lawrence County Chamber of Commerce, 877-228-7810; Molly Ames, Cornell
Cooperative Extension of Jefferson County, 315-788-8450; Anita Deming,
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Essex County, 518-962-4810; or Steven
B. Cook, St. Regis Mohawk Tribe Office of Economic Development,
518-358-2272 x270; Lindsay Tarbell, 518-358-2272 x168.
The course is sponsored by a partnership of Cornell Cooperative
Extension Associations of Northern New York, the Northern Adirondack
Trading Cooperative, The Rural Opportunities Enterprise Center, Inc.,
St. Regis Mohawk Tribe, NYS Small Business Development Center at SUNY
Canton, St. Lawrence County Chamber of Commerce, the Northern New York
Agricultural Development Program, SCORE, Paul Smiths College, ComLinks,
Clarkson University, USDA Rural Development, and Senator Hillary Rodham
Clinton. # # #