



IPM - Integrated Pest Management

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) combines multiple management practices to achieve efficient, high-quality, high-yield field and horticultural crop and animal production with effective environmental stewardship.

One example of IPM application in Northern New York is Northern New York Agricultural Development Program work to control the alfalfa snout beetle (ASB), an invasive insect pest peculiar to Northern New York and parts of Canada across the St. Lawrence River. ASB eats the roots of alfalfa, destroying a vital forage crop for dairy cattle and other livestock. Field surveys funded by the Northern New York Agricultural Development Program in 2005 and 2006 showed the areas infested with ASB continue to expand in Franklin, Jefferson, Lewis and St. Lawrence counties. Cornell researchers are working to advance biological control measures for ASB.

Click on the links below to learn more about NNYADP IPM projects and other resources related to integrated pest management.

- ASB – New Infestations of Alfalfa Snout Beetles Found in Jefferson County (Oct. 2006)

- Biological Control of Alfalfa Snout Beetle with a multi-species application of locally adapted persistent entomopathogenic nematodes: The first success.

Fact Sheets
- Biological Controls for Alfalfa Snout Beetle (PDF)
- Breeding Alfalfa Snout Beetle-Resistant Alfalfa (PDF)

Press Releases
- 2006 ASB Survey Report
- 2006 Biological Control of Alfalfa Snout Beetle with Entomopathogenic Nematodes
- 2006 Breeding Alfalfa Snout Beetle Resistant/Tolerant Alfalfa Varieties
Cornell Researchers and Farmer Report More Progress Against Pest Peculiar to Northern New York
- Battle to Beat Alfalfa Pest Shows Progress, Testing of Control Methods Continues in 2006
- September to Mid-November Optimal Time to Scout for Invasive Pest Crop Damage
- NNY Farmers and Researchers Battling Invasive Beetle Destroying Alfalfa Crop

Research Reports
- Biological Control of Alfalfa Snout Beetle: Developing a Farmer-Friendly Rearing and Application Method to Speed the Spread of Biocontrol Nematodes: 2007-2008 Report
- Breeding Alfalfa Snout Beetle Resistant Alfalfa Varieties: 2007-2008 Report

Additional Resources
Click Here for links to the following resource websites:
- Cornell IPM Program
- Northeastern IPM Center